Some infos respect the recovery dates
of access: if during the insertion
of the email not results to recover
your data of access you can contact us to or to the
telephone number +39 347 8851370 that you
risponderà one appointee of ours and
it will look for to resolve yours
problem. You can also contact us for
information respect our services both web
what for those riguardantis the agency. Therefore for
whatever explanation you are able
to call without problems... span>
Vi we again remember that after her
recording to be able to directly contact
the models you have to pay a service web that you
it allows to put you in direct contact with loro,
otherwise you are always able usufruire of ours
service of agenzia.
N. B. = Besides we remember to the models that if
they want not to appear in our portal anymore it is
absolutely necessary the dispatch of one cancelled
signed with a simple wording that says
"I don't want to appear in the portal Hostess anymore
Models" obviously pointing out the nick name
of the profile and the own associated email, without
such fax or such data you/he/she won't be effected
anybody change to the site and the manager no him
it takes on any responsibility respect
imagine him and the data of the aforesaid one models!!!!

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